Gladiique Scoparum

The epicenter of Evil
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Boldo is the heart and soul of the Gladiique Scoparum. He was a co-founder of the group and a constant source of trouble and amusement. Boldo began his SCA career as in Binghamton where he was working upon his PHD in History. While there he joined the Ragnesfolke and became that group's warlord. As a fighter Boldo came into his own at the Spring Coronet in 1991 where he was reached the quarter finals. But SCA success did not mirror his real life where he failed to obtain his PHD and returned to Rochester to try and bring great fighting to Thescorre. But for the next several years Thescorre seemed to stymie every attempt to increase the number of fighters in the area. Finally out of frustration Boldo abandoned the baronial structure and agreed to found a new group. As a founding member of the Gladiique Scoparum, Boldo immediately tried to turn them into a melee machine. After some initial success he almost destroyed the group at pennsic in 1995. During the town battle he broke through a line and upon returning roughly fouled a spear shaft with his feet. When the marshal's had finished settling personal vendetta's Boldo had be removed of his authorization and marshalate. With legal threats Boldo's Card was returned but the damage was done. Suddenly there was no SCA wrong not associated with Boldo. Co-founder Erhling left the household and another member quit the SCA. Boldo regrouped and with the support of Cameo continued to participate in the SCA, by promoting fighting at a local level and attend events.

Boldo is also constantly trying to increase the fun quotant of the SCA. At spring coronet in 1994 Morghun asked all fighters to cover up all non-period items and Boldo wrapped himself in aluminum foil and then taunted his opponents for wearing socks. When Yngvar was Prince for the first time he created a huge stir by requesting to fight for an ill male friend. At Yngvar's coronation he also gave the Principality a shield in the shape of Aethelmarc. Although known for his armor making Boldo has won an Ice Dragon category with a Boyled Potato form a late 16th century receipe. He was one of the origional Drag Queens of Aethelmarc promoting John the Pell's unique brand of chivalry. With the help of Thomas he acted out a tail from an Arthurian Romance by attending an event incognito and the next year went with Fergus as easter bunnies. Boldo also created quite a stir while autocrating an event by refusing to tell the queen a story during dinner on a subject of her choosing.

Boldo: Brother Boldo
Webmaster: Patrick Ludwig
Website Design: Roger Wink

Last Modified on Wednesday, 19-Nov-2003 14:12:20 EST