Boldo's Armory
Magic Collectable Card Games Board Games Role-Playing Games Miniatures
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Sample Scenario 5
Missing Orders
Overview: In the middle of battles things often go awry. The well planned and practice sequence of events get confused.

Deployment: Roll to see which side gets to place the first terrain piece then alternate placing terrain until all pieces have been placed. No terrain piece may be placed within 12” of the center of the board or on top of another terrain piece. Roll to start deployment. The winner of this roll may either choose side of the table or to chose who deploy first. The player who places first puts down a unit and then players take turns deploying units. Scouts may be used but can not place in the opponent’s deployment zone.

Special Rules: At the Start of turn 3 one player rolls a d6. The various phases of the game will happen in a different order this turn as determined by a die roll. The order is for both players for that turn: Die roll of 1 Die roll of 2 Shooting Magic Movement Movement Close Combat Shooting Magic Close Combat Die roll of 3 Die roll of 4 Movement Magic Close Combat Movement Shooting Shooting Magic Close Combat Die roll of 5 Die roll of 6 Movement Shooting Magic Magic Close Combat Movement Shooting Close Combat At the start of turn 4 and 5 repeat this step. Turn six uses the normal turn order. If a unit is move or shoot and the movement phase comes after the shooting phase then it could not move if it shot. Victory Conditions: Use Standard Victory conditions

Deployment zones:

Sample Scenario 6
Camp Followers
Overview: Armies travel with a veritable town of support from washerwomen and prostitutes to armorers and thieves. These folks usually try remain removed from the battlefield during the fighting but are often the first on the field to scavenge the dead.

Deployment: Roll to see which side gets to place the first terrain piece then alternate placing terrain until all pieces have been placed. No terrain piece may be placed within 12” of the center of the board or on top of another terrain piece. Roll to start deployment. The winner of this roll may either choose side of the table or to chose who deploy first. The first thing this player places are their three objective markers which will be camp followers Place these in your deployment zone so they are at least 8” apart. After both players have placed their camp followers, the player who places first puts down a unit and then players take turns deploying units. Scouts may be used but can not place in the opponent’s deployment zone.

Special Rules: The camp followers move up to 6” and may not march, charge, or be magically moved. Each marker represents several people and has a stat line of WS3 T5 W6 A0 Ld6. The camp followers may not join units nor may characters join them. They may be charged by the enemy. If an enemy of unit size 10 is in close combat with only the camp followers then the camp followers are destroyed and will stop movingand will not overrun. If the unit is smaller than unit size 10 then they attack the camp followers who do not fight back. If the camp followers survives the combat it is moved 1” away from the attacker and may move as normal next turn. The attacker is not moved. Victory Conditions: At the end of the game measure the distance from the back of the board to where each camp follower is or was destroyed. The player who have the farthest distance is the winner.

Deployment zones:

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Boldo: Brother Boldo
Webmaster: Patrick Ludwig
Website Design: Roger Wink

Last Modified on Tuesday, 29-Jan-2008 11:40:35 EST